This is one porn download you’ll actually want to invite your friends round to check out – but be sure to give them some privacy to really enjoy the moment. Quietly announced as a free demo for an upcoming VR porn company, downloads of this surprisingly great quality stereoscopic striptease quickly rolled in. There’s just one catch: about halfway through the 2 minute striptease, the stunningly attractive girl transforms into a fat dude. And then the strip continues anyway.
Download the highest quality version (4096 x 1100 px resolution); they recommend LiveViewRift software for your viewing pleasure. (Be warned, it’s a 700mb video)
Incredibly – despite being leagues ahead of existing VR porn – the VR Strip Girlz video seems to have been designed purely as a prank / viral demo. There isn’t actually a new VR porn company behind it, at least not yet. The director, Lex Hallaby, is typically be involved with music videos, but decided to make this for his own amusement using a cobbled together VR camera rig, after friends who came to check out his DK2 asked the inevitable “is there porn for this thing?”
Here’s hoping he has more to show us. The director, that is, not the fat dude in the video.
Link’s down. Please reupload?