VR Sex Blog

Taking Realistic VR Porn Up a Notch: Infinite Realities

Infinite Realities are UK leaders in 3D face and body scans – using a system of up 115 DSLR cameras and off-the-shelf photo-stitching software from AgiSoft for amazing levels of detail. They’ve created a set of ultra-realistic 3D human models for Unity; the potential for realistic VR Porn experiences is obvious. While Japan will continue to produce stylised anime games in the jump to VR/3D, Western markets have always demanded greater levels of realism. The latest demo, with modifications from community developer Teddy – creator of the HydraDeck demo, now famous for demonstrating positional tracking with a body-mounted Hydra controller – is now available to download.

As anyone familiar with robotics will know, there’s a point called “uncanny valley” in which too much realism is just creepy. It’s a point just before “perfectly convincing” where users will actually prefer a much less convincing robot. In other words, if the human element isn’t isn’t absolutely perfect, we would rather interact with something that’s obviously a robot. It’s tough to say where Infinite Realities fall into this with some movement and a practical application. Visually, as a 3D model, they do look convincing perfect – but of course, visuals alone are only half the battle. Luckily, 3D motion capture is well established, so we should be able to judge that aspect soon. They’re also developing their own “4D” scanning, which capture motion at the same time. It’s incredible stuff, and sure to be the future of all gaming, not just porn.


In other news, a hilarious fake commercial for Oculus Rift has been doing the rounds – unfortunately, the Oculus Rift edited version was removed from YouTube (mirror here at eBaumsWorld), however the original (and even stranger) source video from French band Is Tropical can still be found on Vimeo.

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